Monday, November 1, 2010

The winner is....

APPLES! So I will have the post with recipe attached soon! (Hopefully this weekend)
Until then, let's get to know everyone!
To start with me- some of you might not know me. My name is Andrea (Hi). I have always loved to cook and bake. When I was little, in school we filled out a questionaire about ourselves on the first day of school. I was 10 or 11 (and not very good at spelling) One of the the questions was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Well at the time I wanted to be a chef, but I did not know how to spell it, so I wrote Chief. (close enough)
My teacher was a little confused by this and asked my mom about it. They had a good little giggle. So though I changed my mind about being a chief and a chef, I still love to cook.
Also I love photography (which I will post some of my pics). I just recently have gotten this itch to start sewing again, so I will probably start doing some of that soon too.
I have no idea where I will get the time for all of this. It is what I love to do though

What are the things that you like to do? What are your "get away" projects?

1 comment:

  1. My get away projects are sewing and felt crafting right now...I sewed my kids costumes this year and had a blast and then made a nursing (breastfeeding) cover for someone at church. But with 2 boys running around, I am not always able to get away and sew or do some crafting, but it has become my outlet or my 'me time'. Now I'm wondering what I will do next.
