Saturday, October 23, 2010


To start out this blog, I am going to try a new reciepe once a month. I am going to try cooking with something that I have not used before in cooking. I will also do one new cupcake a month as well. In order to have a sort of order to the thing- I am going to have a poll that everyone can vote on to determine the main ingredient.
So to start out with we are going to do A foods.
The choice for cupcakes is between Amaretto Cupcakes, Apple Cupcakes, and Apricot Cupcakes. Cast your vote in the poll on the side!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Outlet

I have been thinking for a long time that I wanted to do some sort of blog to share my creative outlet.
I have loved to do various sorts of things that get my creative juices flowing, and often times those juices are to the benefit of others. I am not a professional, I just enjoy make and creating. I love beauty in all things. I love sharing the beauty I see and create others- Hence, the purpose of this blog.
I will try and stick to things that I have made, so as not to steal from other people. Occasionally I might add other people creative ideas though.
I hope you enjoy!